Welcome to MetalBuildingForum.com!
Y'all may refer to me as Vercingetorix, or just Verx if ya like.
I'm from the deep—deeeeeep south...😄 like, way down by Antarctica.
You might'a heard of the place from the airy fairy fictional movies the hollyweirdos made during the 1st great Hobbit plague of the early '00s.
🤔 Can't seem to recall what the movies were called. I suspect possibly along the lines of 'Something of the Rings', or 'Lord of the Something'.
Whatever it was, I can assure ya, the Hobbits weren't the good guys in real life.
Sauron was the only thing keeping them in check, however tragically he vanished around '05-'06, at about the same time his volcanic lair suddenly erupted.
Since then, the Hobbits have pretty much taken over.
They may be small, but by crikey they breed like rabbits.
Oh, and don't even get me started on those blimmen' elves....😂they are just, the absolute worst.
Alrighty, all jokes aside.
I am a businessman from New Zealand.
Although not specifically involved in the metal working industry down here...🤔well, actually now that I think about it. We do—do a fair bit of roofing, though I dunno if that would really qualify as metal working aye. I mean, it's just basically tearin' off/& replacing corrugated iron sheets, and overall only really one part of the whole property refurbishment process we do.
Now hang on. This is an American metal industry forum ain't it.
So ya might be wondering why some random non-metal working non-American is doing here @MBF.com.
Frankly that'd be pretty reasonable to ask.
Fact is I have absolutely no business here whatsoever.
Yet I freely choose to be here anyway.
And my reasoning is quite simple too.
I am staunchly for individual freedoms, independence and liberty.
Therefore I will not hesitate to support others in their efforts, which is precisely why I'm here now.
Sorry to get a little gloomy on ya , yet I think we probably all know that there are detrimental things being done to undermine the world's foremost pillar of freedom.
We each may or may not have opinions or be able to identify who, what or why things are the way they are, but I'm sure anyone with eyes can see it.
At least, I can from waaaay down here.
Personally I would prefer America not only maintained her worldly preeminence, I would actually rather she only continued onwards, becoming ever greater.
And yeah, so basically I am choosing to be here, choosing to render any assistance I possibly can to support America. Because I want for America, as she has before, to again flourish once more.
🤔...I might've gotten off track now, so I best wrap this up aye.
Glad to be here, and I'm honored to meet y'all, even if you're reading this 5-10 years from now.
PS: I suppose I could probably help out if anyone here were ever lookin' for general property maintenance types of advice, eg: painting/decorating, plastering, landscaping, demolition, electrical, plumbing, building(*although mostly with wood/wood-like materials)...and etcetera. I'm always happy to help, so definitely don't hesitate to hit me up...😉👍